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3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife

    Reaching midlife often brings a desire for change, especially in how we approach our health. But sometimes, after years of focusing on others, our well-being takes a backseat. Figuring out what works for us and how to fit it into our lives can feel overwhelming. That’s why I’ve created the ‘3 Ways to Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife Guide’ – the core of my approach. You might be wondering why I’m putting so much emphasis on this guide, and the answer is pretty straightforward.

    This guide is all about helping women in midlife create a fresh start. It’s about adding more activity, better eating habits, and daily energy into their lives.

    Starting a healthy lifestyle might sound tough, but it’s not as complicated as it seems. That’s why I’ve carefully put together this guide – to give women in midlife simple steps for reclaiming their health and embracing an active life. Stick around as we dive into the heart of this transformative journey.

    The Importance of Health For Women in Midlife 

    3 Ways To Reclaim Your Health and Thrive In Midlife - stones with words

    Making health a top priority becomes crucial for women over 50, and here’s why it’s such a big deal:

    • Quality Living: Life becomes more enjoyable and active when health is in the spotlight. It’s all about having the energy to do what you love daily.
    • Keeping Issues at Bay: Taking care of your health can prevent a bunch of age-related problems like heart issues, arthritis, and diabetes. You’re basically giving yourself a better shot at staying healthy and feeling good.
    • Handling Changes: Midlife comes with hormonal shifts, like during menopause, which can mess with how you feel. Prioritizing health can help you deal better with these changes.
    • Staying Energetic: Think of it as a guarantee for keeping your energy levels up. With good health, you’re all set to dive into things you enjoy, spend time with your dear ones, and even chase new adventures!
    • Being an Inspiration: When you put your health first, you’re not just doing it for yourself. You’re showing everyone around you the value of self-care, which can also spark a healthy change in them.
    • Boosting Mood: Physical health plays a big role in how you feel mentally. Taking care of yourself can help reduce stress and anxiety and even boost your mood. It’s like a happiness upgrade!
    • Bouncing Back: Life throws curveballs, right? When your health is in check, you’re more resilient. It’s like having a superpower that helps you handle challenges better.
    • Saving Bucks: It might sound surprising, but focusing on your health can actually save you money in the long run. Preventive care now means fewer doctor visits later.

    Resources: #194 Why Regular Exercise Can Be The Key To Longterm Financial Stability

    What are the Three Sections In The Guide To Thrive

    The “3 Ways to Recapture Your Health and Thrive Over 50 guide” is divided into three transformative parts, each addressing essential aspects of a healthier and more vibrant life for women over 50. 

    The first part guides you through starting intermittent fasting, demystifying this powerful approach to nutrition, and explaining what to expect during the adjustment period. 

    The second part emphasizes the importance of exercise, particularly Pilates, in maintaining strength, flexibility, and overall physical well-being. 

    Lastly, the guide delves into the significance of self-care, offering simple yet effective steps to incorporate self-nurturing practices into daily life. Plus, how to create habits and stay consistent with your health and fitness choices by designing your new chapter.

    3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife

    All of my courses are based on the S.P.A.R.K. Method, and I will apply that method as I’ll share the steps and how to implement the strategies outlined in the ‘3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive Guide for Women in Midlife.’

    In the SPARK method, our first step is “S” to “Scan our life and assess what holds us back” from achieving our health and fitness goals. This process involves a deep and honest exploration of various aspects of life to identify potential barriers or challenges that hinder progress. 

    • Start by identifying your goals. These can be related to physical fitness, nutrition, mental well-being, or any other area you wish to improve.
    • Look closely at your current lifestyle, including daily habits, routines, and commitments. Identify any patterns or behaviors inhibiting your progress toward your goals.

    What could that look like? As you are starting intermittent fasting, you’ll go through your fridge and cupboard to see what healthy foods you have and which ones need to go. 

    3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife - woman smelling a cup

    Take Action To Empower Yourself

    In the SPARK Method, the “P” stands for “Plan Your Journey.” It involves clarifying the changes you want to make and creating a thoughtful and strategic plan to achieve your goals. Here’s how the “Plan Your Journey” step works:

    This step is all about gaining clarity on your desired changes and creating a roadmap to achieve them. 

    Begin with small and achievable changes. Gradual progress allows you to build momentum and increases the likelihood of sustaining your efforts in the long term.

    What could that look like? Planning on daily exercise is important, and by adding it to your calendar and maybe getting a phone reminder, you’ll be more likely to exercise. 

    3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife - weights and a sign with health,fitness goals

    The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

    The ‘3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive Guide for Women in Midlife‘ includes the first steps to Intermittent Fasting.  You may have been curious about Intermittent Fasting but didn’t know where to start, or it sounded scary because you are not sure if you’re cut out for it. 

    But Intermittent Fasting offers numerous benefits for women over 50, supporting their health and well-being during this life phase:

    • Many women experience weight gain in menopause and post-menopause. Intermittent Fasting can help with weight management and body fat loss by regulating insulin levels and reducing insulin resistance, supporting hormonal balance during that time. 
    • Intermittent fasting promotes cellular repair and autophagy, the process of cellular waste removal, which can contribute to improved cellular health and longevity.
    • Brain fog is so common among women in midlife, and Intermittent Fasting can enhance mental clarity and focus.
    • Many women experience increased energy levels during intermittent fasting, allowing them to stay active and engaged in daily activities because of a boosted metabolism from Intermittent Fasting. 
    • Intermittent fasting is associated with reduced inflammation levels, which may positively impact overall health and disease prevention.
    • Intermittent Fasting is flexible. As you work your way through your  ‘3 Ways to Recapture Your Health and Thrive Guide for Women over 50’, you’ll find two ways to incorporate Intermittent Fasting easily into your day.
    3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife - plates with vegetables and a fork, spoon clock

    Fasting Strategies for Intermittent Fasting Beginners

    The two approaches outlined in the guide are particularly suitable for newcomers to fasting. It provides a seamless transition into intermittent fasting without causing disruptions to your daily routine. 

    By occasionally omitting a meal, you can organically establish a fasting period that doesn’t feel overly strict. Moreover, the method involves a 12-hour fasting window that resonates with your body’s internal clock. 

    This gradual integration of intermittent fasting enhances adherence and long-term sustainability. You can experience the positive effects of intermittent fasting without feeling inundated by the process.

    Resource: The Easy To Follow Intermittent Fasting Guide For Newbies 

    During the initial stages, you might notice feelings of hunger, which tend to diminish as your body becomes accustomed to the fasting routine. Although your energy levels could exhibit fluctuations at the beginning, they are likely to balance out as your body adapts over time. As you start with intermittent fasting, here’s what you might encounter:

    • Hunger: Initially, hunger might be more noticeable. But over time, your body adjusts, and this usually subsides.
    • Energy Levels: Expect some ups and downs in your energy initially, but these tend to level out as your body adapts.
    • Headaches: You might experience headaches at the beginning. Staying hydrated by drinking enough water can help alleviate this.
    • Focus: Good news – you might notice improved concentration and focus.
    • Weight Loss: Intermittent fasting is a gradual process for weight loss. It’s not a quick fix, but it can lead to steady results over time.

    These sensations can be more pronounced with longer fasts (over 18 hours), which our guide doesn’t start with. Instead, our guide eases you in with strategies you can follow for a week or two. Once you’re comfortable, you can explore more advanced approaches. More on this later.

    Daily Exercises That You Can Start Today

    Do you know that I say,” Exercise is good for you – actually, I say it a lot?” Anyone can find a few minutes during the day to move. Initially, choosing what you can start with may sound overwhelming, but the ‘3 Ways To Recapture Your Health And Thrive in Midlife’ has simple examples you can start today. 

    For instance, walking up the flight of stairs to your office, you may think that’s not enough to get fit and strong, but we all start somewhere. Baby steps are the way to lasting health. Remember that we are not racing a short race but preparing for a marathon.

    3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife -  feet running up stairs

    Pilates For Women Over 50

    Pilates exercises focus on engaging the deep core muscles, overall alignment, flexibility, better posture, and enhanced breathing. Pilates is low-impact and gentle on the joints making it the ideal form of strength training and stretching for 

    Through controlled and intentional movements, Pilates elongates and stretches the muscles, promoting increased flexibility and range of motion. Whether performed on a mat or with specialized equipment like a reformer, Pilates provides a safe and effective way to enhance physical strength, flexibility, and posture.

    The Pilates method is built upon a set of fundamental principles that form the foundation of the practice. These principles were developed by Joseph Pilates, the creator of the Pilates method, and are essential for understanding and applying the exercises correctly. You’ll focus on the 3 C’s for the workouts in your guide

    3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife - woman doing a side plank

    Concentration: The principle of concentration emphasizes the need to maintain focused attention on each movement, and the specific muscles are engaged. 

    Control: Control is central to Pilates, as it involves executing movements with precision and fluidity. We do every exercise in Pilates with controlled, deliberate movements to maintain proper form and prevent strain or injury.

    Centering: Centering refers to the activation of the body’s core muscles, also known as the “powerhouse.” These muscles, including the abdominal, back, and pelvic floor muscles, provide stability and support during Pilates exercises.

    By incorporating these principles into your Pilates practice, you can experience the full benefits of this holistic exercise method, enhancing physical strength, flexibility, balance, and overall well-being.

    In the guide, you’ll learn 3 exercises you can practice at home; they are easy to understand, and you can string them together to create a mini-workout. 

    Resources: How To Start Pilates Over 50 At Home

    Simple Self-care Strategies For Women In Midlife

    Self-care is crucial to maintaining overall well-being, especially as we age, yet it is often neglected. As life gets busier and responsibilities pile up, we tend to put our needs on the back burner. However, simple self-care strategies can significantly affect how we feel and function daily.

    Remember that you’re now putting your needs first, embracing new opportunities, and making positive life changes. How about taking a warm bath is a wonderful way to unwind, relax, and reduce stress. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our energy and mental clarity. There is nothing better than getting up in the morning and feeling refreshed.

    Practicing self-care is not a luxury; it’s necessary to maintain balance and resilience in our daily lives. Start with one of my suggestions in the guide. 

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    How To Build Habits And Consistency In Midlife

    Building habits and consistency is important because they are the driving forces behind long-term success in any endeavor, especially when it comes to improving health and well-being. 

    What is a habit? A habit is something we do over and over again without thinking about it. It has become automatic and part of our daily routine. 

    How do we build consistency? We create consistency by doing the same thing, like walking for 15 minutes daily and repeating this habit repeatedly. Consistency is critical, so start small and gradually build on your habits. 

    Here are some examples: Pick a food you enjoy eating because if you don’t like Kale, you won’t keep eating it. So maybe pick Spinach instead and include it in your meals more often. Or. missed a day of exercise and thought, “Now I have to start all over again”! Give yourself a break and pick up where you left off.

    So you see, by building healthy habits that you keep doing regularly to create consistency and follow some of my examples in the  ‘3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive in Midlife,’ you can take small steps towards a healthy and vibrant midlife, helping you stay on track of your goals.

    woman poring water

    How Do We Put Those Wellness Tips Into Action?

    Now it’s time to Amply your Power. In the SPARK Method, “A” stands for “Amplify Your Power” and involves creating a tangible plan to move toward your health and wellness goals. 

    Here’s how you can amplify your power and create a simple, actionable plan:

    Women tell me that they fell off the wagon and have to start all over again, feeling frustrated, but that’s not true because, with each failed attempt, you learn more about yourself and what works for you!

    • Believe in your ability to make positive changes and achieve your goals. Recognize your strengths and past accomplishments, and draw confidence from them.
    • Envision yourself accomplishing your goals and living a healthier, more vibrant life. 

    One mistake so many midlife women make is doing too much too soon! They end up frustrated and discouraged and feel they can’t do anything and, in the end, self-sabotage themselves. But this will not be you!

    • Break your goals into smaller, actionable steps. This makes the journey less overwhelming and helps you focus on one step at a time.
    • Be open to adjustments as you progress. Learn from any setbacks or challenges and use them as opportunities for growth.

    How To Rock Your Roadblocks To Reclaim Your Health

    In the SPARK Method, “R” stands for “Rock Your Roadblocks,” emphasizing the importance of navigating and overcoming obstacles when life takes unexpected turns or presents challenges. 

    Here’s how to rock your roadblocks and stay resilient:

    Life is unpredictable, and setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Embrace flexibility and adaptability to navigate through unexpected roadblocks. For example, you didn’t put out your workout clothes, and now you don’t know what to wear. Or a meeting got scheduled in your workout time. 

    While some situations are beyond your control, focus on what you can influence. Direct your efforts towards areas where you can make a positive impact.

    Stay committed to your journey, even when it feels tough. Persevere through setbacks, and remember that each step forward, no matter how small, counts.

    3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive In Midlife - two women having fun dancing

    How Do We Reclaim A Healthy Lifestyle

    In the SPARK Method, “K” stands for “Kick-Ass and Design Your New Lifestyle in Midlife.” This step involves taking charge of your journey and fearlessly designing your desired life. Here’s how you can kick ass and create a new, empowering fitness lifestyle in midlife:

    • Let go of limiting beliefs and embrace fearlessness. Midlife is a time of empowerment, wisdom, and self-discovery. Believe in your ability to create positive changes. Do you believe that you are too old to change your habits? Change that thought!
    • Step outside your comfort zone and take bold actions aligning with your goals. Be willing to try new things and embrace growth opportunities.
    • Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your new lifestyle. Prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being to cultivate resilience and inner strength.
    • Celebrate every milestone and achievement on your new path. Acknowledge your progress and use each success as motivation to keep designing your dream lifestyle.

    Next Steps To Thrive In Midlife

    Grab the free guide ‘3 Ways To Recapture Your Health and Thrive in Midlife’ and implement the strategies one at a time. Read through the guide and do some of the exercises outlined; for instance, start with the short fasting window and do 1 Pilates exercise regularly to gain consistency. Voila! 

    Suppose you have gone through all the exercises and strategies and are ready for more, then I invite you to my new 8-week group coaching program, the Pursue Your Spark Blueprint. In this course, we build on the strategies you learned in the guide and move to the next level of your health and fitness transformation in midlife. To learn more about the Pursue Your Spark Blueprint, click this link where you can learn more about it and apply.

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