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3 Steps To Stop Holiday Guilt Right Now

    3 steps to stop the holiday guilt right now

    The holidays are just around the corner, and we celebrate them by enjoying delicious treats. We don’t want to miss out on all of the festivities. The temptation is everywhere! Here are my 3 steps to stop the holiday guilt right now!

    First are the office parties, and then the treats everyone brings to share. They sit in the kitchen, tempting you every time you need to refill your water or get a cup of coffee. They seem to call your name, even when you are not in the room.

    You cook an elaborate meal for your family, but you have to taste everything before serving it. So you’re already full when you sit down at the table, but you still have to eat with the rest of the family! Then you visit friends and don’t want to disappoint them, so you at least try all of the delicacies they made.

    Your waistline is already starting to grow, and the pants are getting tighter. On top of that, you feel lethargic because of all the sugar, fat, and extra alcohol, and to top it all off, you are not exercising as much as you usually do.

    Already you feel guilty and disappointed about your lack of self-control. You think, “Darn it, there goes some of the milestones I reached!” You almost lost all the weight you had planned on losing at the beginning of the year. You had your nutrition and exercise program under control…until now.

    But wait, you notice that “help” is on the way everywhere you look. You read about these “quick weight loss” programs: the bulletproof diet and the juice cleanses. All of these diets offer to shock your system into losing the weight you gained during the holidays. Your friend offers to sign you up for her diet group. Phew saved, and you continue eating.

    You know that this coming year it will work, right?! This year you keep all those crazy rules. You just hope that the diet you picked will work for you and get that weight off quickly.

    Do you know what I say? Stop dieting!

    Stop feeling like a failure because you can’t stick with them. Don’t try another fad diet and be disappointed yet again.3 steps to stop holiday guilt right now

    What if there was a better way than dieting?

    What if I didn’t have to feel guilty during the holidays?

    What if you did not set yourself up for disappointment every year?

    3 steps to stop holiday guilty right now - woman flexing

    I am not saying throw caution to the wind and go for it. Instead, I suggest solutions to change unhealthy thinking habits and take control of your life and the holidays.

    3 Steps To Stop Holiday Guilt Right Now

    # 1 Gauge your desire

    Don’t just go for it. Wait a moment and think about what you are going to put into your body. Be clear on how important the food is to your health. Ask yourself: Why am I eating this? Is it right for my body? Does it give me energy?

    # 2 Assess Your Brain Message

    Is your brain telling you that you just can’t live without eating this treat? The brain plays tricks on us when it comes to smell, and specific food colors (shades of red signal your brain to eat, it’s why all those fast food places you love are painted red/orange/yellow!) Stop before you follow your brain. Slow down and assess what you’re about to eat (and eat in moderation!). You know what you are doing if you think about it.

    # 3 Refocus Your Attention

    Redirect your focus on healthy nutrition patterns. Focus on wholesome and productive activities, despite false urges. Make the best choices you can given the situation. Focus on how delicious a salad, dressing on the side, tastes, and its satisfying crunch.

    You may not make the perfect choices during the holidays, and that’s okay. But you don’t need to feel deprived or disappointed by the end of December.

    No need to try another crash diet at the beginning of the year.
    You will not feel disappointed about your lack of self-control because you chose what is right for you.

    Are you ready to stop the guilt and choose the fitness lifestyle of your dreams? Then check out all the programs we have at HEYlifetraining. Click the link and learn more.