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3 Ways To Create Balance In Uncertain Times

    Life looks pretty uncertain and stressful as we hit week 5 of the Coronavirus pandemic and the end of week 1 of quarantine. There are an awful lot of things that are out of our control, and we just don’t have answers for right now. But know what we do have control over? Our own choices. We can choose to create balance amidst this chaos. We can choose to stay positive. And we can choose to commit to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

    Are you feeling the chaos?

    I don’t know about you, but my body lets me know when I feel stressed or anxious about something. Sometimes, it creeps up on me without me even realizing it. These last few weeks, stuck at home in quarantine, have been difficult for us all. It wasn’t until my skin was broken out in itchy hives that I realized just how much the stress had been affecting me. I’ve had to re-evaluate how I deal with the situation. So, I’d like to share with you how I create balance on chaotic days, hoping you can stay positive and healthy, too.

    3 Ways To Create Balance In Uncertain Times

    It’s so easy to be consumed entirely by events or people around us. Especially when tension is high, emotions are raised, and people are generally a lot more anxious. I’m lucky that my husband and I have plenty of personal space to continue our work. Perhaps you don’t have that, and you’re all starting to get under each other’s feet and on each other’s nerves.

    3 Ways To Create Balance In Uncertain Times - couple balancing

    1. Step Away

    Simply put, you cannot control the actions of others, but you can control how you choose to respond. So step away from that which you cannot control. Your body, like mine, will probably be trying to give you signs that you need a minute away from it all.  Are you feeling more tired and lethargic than usual? Stress eating? Irritable with your partner or kids? Then you need to focus on yourself and remove the stress-inducing parts you are able to.

    Stop listening to the news. If bad news is raising your stress levels, then you can choose to stop watching it. You can stay updated on current events without having it on all day. It’s OK to focus on the positive stuff that is still happening every day, no matter how trivial it may seem.

    Stop scrolling through social media. The constant availability of bad news, other people’s fears, and negative speculation are just too much for me. I like to use social media as a positive experience to connect with friends, catch up with people, and reconnect. When the dark side of it starts to outweigh those things, then it’s time to switch it off for a while. Set specific times to have a look through your chosen areas instead of being available to it all day.

    You can look after your health and well-being by not feeding that negative energy.

    Let go of what has been.

    This was a tough one, even for me. April is my birthday month, and we had planned an awesome birthday vacation, which has been canceled indefinitely. Maybe you’ve had to cancel plans, too. It sucks, but to maintain a healthy mindset, you need to let go of what has passed and be present in the now. Focus on projects that you can take up right now that won’t be affected by a change of events. Now is the perfect time to take an online course, grow your skill set, get stuck into an art or DIY project, read some books….whatever makes you happy right now.

    3 Ways To Create Balance In Uncertain Times - hands cutting peppers

    2. Create Mindfulness Around Your Meals

    Never underestimate the power of a nourishing meal. Right now, when classes and activities are canceled, friends are not calling, and everyone is home, is the perfect time to re-establish family meal routines. Preparing nutritious food is an ideal activity to bring the whole family together.  Your kids can get involved, you can all share the responsibility of caring for each other through delicious healthy meals.

    In an earlier post, I also suggested that you could meet with friends or family in a video call to prepare or eat a meal together in your respective spaces. Quarantine does not have to mean isolation.

    Appreciating the healthy food that you are fortunate enough to have and taking time to enjoy it, will not only keep your body nourished but it will also keep your mind focused on positive and joyful feelings. If cooking is stressful for you, why not try out some simple recipes from one of my favorite recipe sites at The Minimalist Baker.

    3 Ways To Create Balance In Uncertain Times - hands planting plant

    3. Exercise To Balance Stress

    I know I’m biased because I LOVE to exercise, but it does make a huge impact on your overall stress levels. Aside from the obvious physical benefits, getting some physical activity helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and get those happy hormones pumping.

    Set a schedule and plan your exercise into your daily routine so you have some accountability. Planning your workout with someone else means they will be there to nudge you and remind you to show up. That might be your partner or your friend, or perhaps you’ve signed up for an online Zumba class, yoga class, or whatever you like to do. Exercise is the perfect way to get active and engaged with your kids, too. Get in the garden and do races, obstacle courses, games, ball games. There is always something to do.

    Exercise is a great way to take a break from whatever is going on around you. Whether you are going out for a walk,  cranking out some quick 3-minute workouts, or simply enjoying some gardening in your plot, the result on your mindset will be just as beneficial. It is so important that you create a positive experience through fitness.

    So there you have it. My tried and tested 3 ways to create balance during uncertain times. These are simple yet effective steps that you can take to help de-stress, unclutter your mind, and keep a healthy balance in your life. I urge you to consider other ways you can build up your positive mindset and experiences.

    Look for happiness in your day from within yourself

    What brings you joy?

    How can you generate your energy and positivity?

    What positive experiences can you create for the next day?

    Perhaps the answers you come up with for these questions will help you keep building on your inner calm as we navigate through uncertain times.

    Thrive in Midlife

    2 thoughts on “3 Ways To Create Balance In Uncertain Times”

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