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The Essential Role of Flexibility For Runners


    Many of us want to be more flexible but don’t find time to do just that “stretching”. Stretching, especially for runners, is so important.

    There are many forms of stretching, i.e., static stretching, PNF stretching, dynamic stretching, and myofascial release, just to name a few stretching modalities.

    Let’s look at some of the questions that might present themselves:

    • Why even bother with stretching?
    • What benefits does stretching have, if any?
    • What type of stretching should one do?
    • How long do I hold it a stretch for?
    • When do I stretch?
    • Does it matter what muscles I stretch?

    Besides, running is more important than stretching, right? Wait a minute, although studies about the benefits of stretching are mixed, some say there are benefits and others not so much.

    The main benefits of stretching seem to be,

                                                        improved flexibility,

                                                              reduced risk of injury,

                                                                        and improved running performance.

    Stretching helps joints move through their full range of motion, decreases the risk of microtrauma to the tendon, which can lead to overload and injury, and increases blood flow (Mayo Clinic).

    Stretching is best done after your run, although doing it before may just feel good, it does not make a difference in your performance or injury rate (ACE).

    Here are some stretching safety tips:

    1. Stretching is not a warm-up. Some studies show that pre-stretching prior to running may actually decrease performance. So warm up, go into your dynamic stretches, and save the rest for later.
    2. Focus on stretching your major muscles and joints, i.e. hamstrings, quads, calves, IT-band, lower back, neck, and shoulders used in running.
    3. Don’t bounce! Bouncing can cause small muscle tears and cause more tightening of your muscles, hence more pain. Hold each stretch for 30-45 seconds and perhaps increase the stretch by reaching even farther for one more round of 30-45 seconds.
    4. No pain, no gain is out! This motto applies to stretch as well. You should feel a gentle pull in the muscles being stretched; if it hurts or burns, you have gone too far. Back off and hold your stretch there. Burning may actually signal an underlying injury! Keep an eye on it.
    5. Make your stretch sports specific. You are a runner, stretch like a runner!
    6. Stretch always! Best results are achieved when consistently stretching 2-3 times per week after running or other cardiovascular exercises.
    7. Increase ROM (range of motion) and decrease DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) Studies show that keeping up a regular stretching routine not only increases ROM but also decreases DOMS. DOMS = when you feel tight the next day and know it was from the workout the day before.

    Can stretching lead to injury? Yes, in some cases.

    Stretching a pulled or strained muscle can further inflame the muscles and increase the strain, as the muscle has no time to heal. Let the muscle rest from running and stretching, try RICE, and see a doctor if the condition does not improve.

    Let me show you how to stretch before and after running, and contact me for an appointment. Even if you are not a runner, you want to stretch.

    Love your day,
